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FADE - back to basic #1

Remember the times when we do not edit our pictures at all? Photos used to be taken directly using Iphone's built-in filter or Instagram default filters. 6 years ago when I just started Instagram, the filter intensity can't be controlled and everything still look great.

However, photos were mostly heavily edited nowadays. A lil brighter, some highlight, more contrast and so on. After editing the basic photo, we still have filters, beauty apps, fonts, stickers, so many things to add! There's nothing wrong with editing pictures. In fact, I love editing too! I even wrote a post on how to edit the perfect Instagram photo by just using a few simple apps.

Today, I decided to go back to basic and snap pictures of my daily life using my trusty Iphone 6s and it's built-in filters. I want to go back to the time where I can just snap a random flower on the street and post it immediately. I'm not a professional photographer nor someone who learn photography, so these are just random shots in my life.



"bak kut teh"





I hope you enjoyed this series. It is something very different from what I usually blogged about! I will be covering 1 series every week, over the next 5 weeks. This is my first -- using fade.


Angelyn <3

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